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Our mission is to equip executives and executive teams to live and lead with purpose, passion, and power.



​Our vision is to be a premier and all-inclusive company that holistically supports executives and executive teams.

we stand out. here's why.


We start with helping executives to identify their divine purpose and then work on aligning their life with purpose as the anchor, unlike other EC programs that only focus on mission of your organization.

3d focus

All of our programs target three areas of growth: disciplines, development, and discipleship, where as other EC programs focus on professional development only.

12d wellness

We take a holistic approach to wellness with our comprehensive 12D wellness assessment, whereas other EC programs just focus on physical, mental, or emotional wellness.


We provide a faith-based program that includes data-supported strategies and biblical teachings, unlike other EC programs that are completely secular.


the ABC's of fulfillment

We teach our clients how to live a fulfilling life that is as simple as ABC: align, balance, and chill. Other EC programs may tell you why you should align, but can't tell you how. We do!


Original content and unique strategies to help you achieve your goals are not a problem here. Unlike other rigid EC programs, we will grow with you to meet your needs.

executive team coaching

We not only work with executives, we also work with executive teams. Unlike other EC programs that only focus on the individual, we understand that an executive is only as successful as their team.


an atypical coach

Have you met Dr. Mercer? If so, then you know why we stand out from other EC programs. She's intelligent, talented, in love with Jesus, and passionate about her work. 

download our company profile.


Copyright © 2023 by

Dr. Wanita Mercer LLC

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+1 (210) 504-8070

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